Welcome back to another riveting edition of Cottage Keeping!
Cottage Keeping is my weekly post where I share a little update on what’s gone on this week and also share some of my favorite things I’ve found around the web!
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The Cottage Keeper’s Thoughts:
Y’all – I’m totally experiencing information overload! I mentioned earlier in the week that I was heading to Haven Conference for the weekend. It’s been such a surreal experience and I have so much to process.
We’ll know sometime today if the contract on our house in TX is going to stick or fall through. It’s such an interesting time to sell a house. This stuff stresses me out!
I’m really loving this Gap denim jacket that I bought while we were at the beach a few weeks ago!
This week, I forced the kids to choose the menu and make the grocery list for the week. I’m learning that I’ve gotta give them more responsibility! They did a great job and all I had to do was place the Walmart Grocery Pick Up order on the app!
A cashier at TJ Maxx asked me if I was buying clothes for my granddaughter this week. When I told her that I was buying clothes for my own 8-year-old, she said I must’ve started having kids late in life. I was totally speechless and dumbfounded. I mean, do I really look that old?

What the Cottage Keeper is Loving This Week:
Add these 5 ingredient sloppy joes to your menu next week!
Have guests coming to visit this summer? Here are 7 essentials for a fabulous guest room!
Get your home ready for back to school with these great tips!
I think we all need a wall mounted heated towel rack, don’t you?
Need to add ambiance to your outdoor space? These DIY string light metal posts may be the solution you’re looking for!

Look that old..My 20 year daughter was stunned when some one asked if she ans her dad were maried and if I was his mother. Talk about deflated ego. We still laugh anbout it. Having been a military spouse, I can say, selling a house and moving was always an adventure.