Yellow Cottage Living

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Home Decor

Home Decor, Home Tour

Big Girls…Share a Room

I’m trying to knock out a few decor projects here and there, except I can’t figure out what happened to all this free time I was supposed to have once the kids went to back to school?!? The girls’ room is so cheery and colorful! I’m usually so monochromatic and matchy-matchy in my decorating that using so many different colors in one room makes me a little batty. For these two, though, it works! Their whole room is still a work in progress. Their box springs need to  ...

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Home Decor

White Bookcase Fiasco

Those of you who follow me on FB and IG are probably already aware that we’ve had quite the unfortunate series of event in my effort to acquire 2 matching white bookcases! I mean how hard should that be? Budget always comes into play, so any decorating task at my house seems to be more difficult than if I had a money tree in my backyard. The only requirements for these bookcases: less than 35 inches wide, about a foot deep, sturdy, white and 2 that match! I wanted them to be a little  ...

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Home Decor, Home Tour

Table for 10, Please

One piece of furniture I may have been more excited about than even this house is our new farmhouse table. The two tables we had in our rental weren’t going to cut it in the eat in area of this house. We don’t set up a formal dining area ever. We aren’t those kind of people. Formal dining at our house involves paper plates and paper towels! I don’t own a single piece of china so I don’t need a room to display it. We need to be able to practically live in every  ...

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Home Decor, Home Tour

Come Sit A Spell

For years I have dreamed of having a space that was strategically set up as a conversation area. In our house hunting adventures,  before we ever were seriously going to buy one, we fell in love with floor plans that offered a hearth room or a keeping room. We loved the idea of having a space where people could sit and talk in a comfortable chair and just relax, but still be able to easily grab a drink or a snack. Food is very important in our lives! Most of the houses with a keeping room  ...

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