Yellow Cottage Living

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Home Decor, Home Tour, Military Life, Relocation and Moving, Uncategorized

Bidding Farewell To The Yellow House

Early in 2020, our family found out we would be relocating due to military orders. A month later the world as we knew it came crashing to a sudden halt! We sold our house before it ever officially hit the market the first week we were all banished to our homes. I still have lots of mixed emotions about how we sold the house and whether or not we could’ve gotten more $$ had we let it hit the MLS. The reality is we had no way of knowing what the end of March would’ve looked like!  ...

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5 Simple Kitchen Organization Solutions For You

These simple kitchen organization tips will keep your kitchens the center of your homes! They’re the one room where everyone migrates to at the most inopportune times. The room where we have spontaneous discussions with our children; where we find out that our kids’ favorite dish from last week is suddenly gross! Our kitchens bring us great joy when we are preparing a meal for others and great distress when the meal we’re preparing is a total flop! Since our kitchens are  ...

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