Welcome back for another week of Cottage Keeping!
This is my weekly check-in to give you a little insight into my real life and to share some really amazing things I’ve found around the internet this week.
*Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links.
Thoughts of the Cottage Keeper:

One year ago today, Butterscotch, one of our rescued ShihTzu’s and my little shadow, crossed the rainbow bridge. There’s not a week that goes by that we don’t think of him fondly and wish that he were here with us in Auburn.
Hiring a house cleaner is on my to-do list for the week! I’ve finally come to the conclusion that I can’t do it all. Shocking, I know, but there is no way for me to run a business, drive my children to and fro, cook halfway healthy meals for them, and ever have a moment to myself that I’m not thinking about something that needs to be done. It’s time. It’s beyond time. I should hire a professional organizer while I’m at it! Oy!
I’m super excited to try out this line of fabric bins in a client’s closet in the next week or two. I can’t wait to show you before and after pictures of this project. I’m also going to be using these bins and these bins in her pantry. So fun!
My boys’ track seasons came to an end last night. I’m so proud of how hard they have worked this year. We’ve all learned some really good lessons this year about being good teammates, perseverance, and crushing goals! I love watching them run – personal bests and personal worsts! And guess which mom didn’t pay track fees until after the final race had been run? This one!
It was another slow week on the blog. There truly aren’t enough hours in the day and it’s appropriate that I say that because the one post I did get completed was all about obstacles to our success. This week, I hope to share my girls’ complete (well mostly complete) coastal/beachy bedroom and maybe I’ll get around to giving my tips for dealing with the end-of-school-year paper tsunami! Stay tuned!
What The Cottage Keeper’s Loving This Week:
These DIY Floating Shelves from Grace in My Space are stunningly beautiful, aren’t they? Follow her directions and you can make your own Floating Shelves, too! (See picture above).
Here are some super fun and creative ways to incorporate ladders into your porch and yard decor! So clever!
I’m thinking I’ll be trying this Meaty Taco Dip some time soon.
Does anyone need to declutter their digital world? Here is a great digital decluttering calendar system I found this week. (My digital world is a wreck!)
Are you counting down the days until “School’s Out For Summer?” (You’ve gotta sing it!) Here are some ideas for things we can do with our kids while they’re out of school.
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