Establishing a sitting room for quiet time and gathering with friends is a great addition to any home.
I am not a morning person, but I realize the value in early rising and enjoying those quiet moments in my house before the kids get out of bed. The silence is truly golden!
Some mornings I read a devotional and a chapter in my Bible. Other mornings, I mindlessly scroll social media. And then there are mornings where I actually do work! The best mornings, and when I’m able to drag my butt out of bed before I’ve lost too much of the early morning hours to my snooze button, I do all three before the children get out of bed and the morning chaos begins!
I love having a designated place in the corner of my office to sit with my thoughts and a warm blanket on a cold morning. That’s the kind of idea I had in mind when I was working on this sitting room design. I was thinking of cold mornings with a cup of coffee in hand and slippered feet propped on this beautiful leather ottoman coffee table.

This sitting room would also be the perfect place for friends to gather to chit-chat over coffee with the sounds of little feet pitter-pattering in the background and the theme song to Bubble Guppies playing in the background. That might be a stretch because I’m sure the moms I have in mind would much rather gather in the quiet while their kids are being cared for by incredible teachers at their local Mother’s Day Out! Definitely thinking of myself and those hard days as a mom to preschoolers.
Nonetheless, it’s nice to have a place to sit and enjoy the quiet. A place to relax early in the morning or late at night while the kids are tucked into their beds.
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