Welcome back to Week 8 of the Spring 2021 One Room Challenge! It’s time for the final Game Day Porch Decor Reveal!

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Are you on the edge of your seats?
The thing about this whole process is today’s post seems a little anti-climactic. You’ve pretty much seen all of the elements of this project, with the exception of the curtains.

I’m really grateful that I tackled this project as part of the One Room Challenge. It’s been one of twists and turns and rainy days at the most inopportune times!

I do love walking out on the porch and getting to enjoy the pretty space we now have to enjoy.
We accomplished all of my goals.
DIY’d seating – which has inspired my husband an I to already start planning some projects for the new house!

Pretty plants – that I fussed over before we left for vacation because I didn’t want them to die while we were gone.
Outdoor curtains – something I’ve wanted to do at 2 of our previous houses, but just never did. I’m going to have to give the curtains their own post at some point so I can tell you how easy these came together!

Cleaning the porch – because it was long overdue!

A dedicated drink cart – a functional and decorative element.

All the while, I’ve had to keep in mind that this is a rental property so I couldn’t do anything permanent.
We installed our string lights on the Game Day Porch before we even had all the boxes unpacked. We love the ambiance they create at night and are bright enough that we don’t always turn the overhead light on.

I’m so disappointed that the fire we had in the fireplace the night I took these pictures had gone out by the time I got around to taking pictures. I guess we’ll have to light it up again and take some more pictures!
Now the question is who is going to come roast marshmallows and drink cold beverages on our newly made-over game day porch?

Thanks for following along on this little makeover! I’ve learned a lot about myself as this process went along week to week!
Don’t forget to go check out more of the Spring 2021 One Room Makeovers! Lots of great spaces have been created in the last 8 weeks!
Miss a Week of My One Room Challenge?
Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4, Week 5, Week 6
Shop My Game Day Porch

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