Yellow Cottage Living

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Healthy Living

Healthy Living

Friday Faves – Whole30 Recipes

I’ve made it 29 days now eating according to the Whole30 guidelines. I’m not going to make any sweeping claims about how good I feel, how my appetite has changed, or how I have so much more energy. The only sweeping claim I can make at this point is that I have proven to myself that I can practice extraordinary amounts of self control when necessary. I have both purchased and baked cookies for my kids this week and haven’t even licked my finger or a spoon. That’s  ...

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Friday Faves, Healthy Living

Friday Faves – My Whole30 Essentials

*This post contains affiliate links. We’ve been on Summer Break for almost 2 weeks now, but it feels like it’s been much longer based on the insane amounts of chauffeuring I’ve done! Swim, Cross Country, Swim, Sleep, Repeat. Welcome to my summer! At least the kids shouldn’t have a lot of time to complain about being bored for the next 5 weeks. Meanwhile, I’m going to spend a lot of time pumping gas and listening to The Greatest Showman soundtrack, thanks to my  ...

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Healthy Living

Focus on Health

I like to treat each new year like a blank slate, a new beginning. I like to treat my birthday and the first day of school as opportunities for fresh starts, too, because I need more than one major fresh start per year! The turning of the calendar page provides a great opportunity to reflect and perhaps evaluate where we are in life. I shared the struggle that 2017 was for me and I could’ve written a book had I given more specific examples of the myriad of other situations that played  ...

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Healthy Living

Keeping It Off

About 2 years ago, I was facing the reality of my celebrating my 40th birthday. When did I get this old? In the deep recesses of my mind, I had an unspoken goal of stepping on the ever so honest scale and being back to my wedding day weight by the time I turned 40. Not sure why 40 was such a motivating number, but it was. I guess the whole cresting the proverbial hill thing… I have struggled with my weight for as much of my life as I can remember. When I was about 10, someone took a  ...

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