Want to do something special for your kids to celebrate Valentine’s Day? Throw together an easy Valentine’s Charcuterie Board for them!
Charcuterie Board Thoughts
I have thoughts about charcuterie boards! Because you clicked onto my page, you’re going to get to hear them.
For the past several years, charcuterie has been all the rage. So much so that there are businesses who exist only to create unique and amazing charcuterie boards or tables or trays for events and parties.
From meat to fruit to vegetables to desserts, you name it, there’s a Pin on Pinterest for that!
Here’s the thing though, acquiring all those various meats, cheeses, dips, chips, fruits, etc. comes at a cost..and I’d venture to say a good bit of waste.
My First Charcuterie Board
One year for Christmas, I thought it would be a good idea to have charcuterie boards instead of cooking a big meal. We’d just gather around the table and snack and graze.
As expected, my family isn’t big on fancy cheeses and meats. At the time, they didn’t enjoy putting goat cheese with cranberries on a cracker. Not their thing. Give them a piece of pepperoni and a square cut piece of colby jack and they’re good.
We, and when I say we, I mean me, ate prosciutto and salami and goat cheese for days and days after!
Valentine’s Charcuterie Board Advice
When I was asked about joining in with a Valentine’s Charcuterie Board round up, I thought oh this will be fun and then I remembered I’m not eating sugar for 40 days! So my aim was to create a simple board that my children would enjoy and appreciate.

My first Valentine’s Charcuterie board advice is to know your audience!
My audience, my kids at home ages 10-17, likes sweets!
They like dipping strawberries in fruit dip. One of them discovered fruit dip at Christmas and has never been the same!

Chocolate covered pretzels and M&Ms are their jam!
2 of them will never turn down a soft, fall apart in your hands iced sugar cookie. Seeing these on the board reminded them that these were the free Kiddie cookies Target gave them when they were little. The youngest didn’t like these cookies so someone always got extra cookie!
My second Valentine’s Charcuterie board advice is don’t overbuy!
Know the size of the board that will be used for your charcuterie board.

I knew this heart shaped board from Target wasn’t going to hold a whole lot. Therefore, I only needed 3 or 4 food items to fill it up. That may also be the reason I chose to use this particular board!
Unnecessary newsflash: Food is Expensive! There’s no need to buy more than necessary.
Let me know your thoughts on the Charcuterie Board trend!
Do you do anything special for your kids for Valentine’s Day?
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